Social Skills Group

At ABA STEPS, we take the time to familiarize ourselves with each participant’s unique needs and preferences before assigning them to one or more suitable groups. The groups are structured to align with different developmental stages and consider the enrollee’s chronological ages too.

Our primary focus is on helping our participants develop age-appropriate emotional intelligence, foster enjoyable leisure activities, develop executive functioning and communication skills, encourage appropriate social interactions, and much more.

Social Skills Group Information

Thirteen-week Social Skill Groups Curriculums are available for children, pre-teens, teens, and adults. All of our group curriculums are customized for each participant as needed. When considering placement for a participant in group(s), the Clinical Director considers their chronological age, developmental skills, and needs are all considered.

Early Learners Group (ELG)

Summary: This group program prepares participants for success in school and various social settings. We utilize the PLS (Preschool Learning Skills) approach to enhance their flexibility, including their ability to respond when called by name, follow multiple-step instructions, seek appropriate attention from adults and peers, practice patience, and develop a range of essential social skills.

Throughout the day, we focus on honing their communication skills, capacity to work effectively in small groups, proficiency in learning and adhering to routines, play skills, group-based learning, self-care, developing independent potty skills, and fostering independence in feeding (eg. using utensils and open cups).

Schedule: Mon – Fri • 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Maximum Participants: 6 Per Group
Number of groups offered: 1 **2nd Group starting April 2024 **

Social Appropriateness Level 1

Summary: This transitional group is dedicated to building upon the skills acquired in the ELG. Here, participants will develop advanced play abilities, enhance their communication with peers, practice interaction with new acquaintances, extend their attention span during group activities, and receive an introduction to social-emotional awareness. This group continues to expand and generalize the PLS skills learned in the ELG.

Schedule: Monday & Wednesday • 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Maximum Participants: 8 Per Group
Number of groups offered: 1

Social Appropriate Level 2

Summary: This group introduces various important topics, including:

    • Body Sensations
    • Emotions
    • Coping Strategies
    • Self-Esteem
    • AIM
    • Problem Solving
    • Introduction to Impulse Control
    • Introduction to Social Media Safety

Groups start with the completion of a journal activity that helps develop mindfulness, an awareness of their values, diffusion of troublesome thoughts, and acceptance of what cannot be changed. Following this, the group works collaboratively to complete an AIM activity, before moving into the topic of the day. All groups end with a game or activity that allows participants to practice applying what we reviewed.

Schedule: Tuesday • 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Maximum Participants: 8 Per Group
Number of groups offered: 1


Summary: Our focus is to empower participants with essential skills in:

  • Reading and
  • Interpreting Facial Expressions
  • Understanding Body Language
  • Initiating, Joining,
  • Participating in, and Transitioning Conversations
  • Accepting Differing Opinions
  • Handling Uncomfortable Situations
  • Building Persuasive Arguments
  • Utilizing Assertive Tones
  • Distinguishing Assertiveness from Inappropriate Bossy Behaviors

In addition, we explore various other forms of communication, including writing and art.

Schedule: Thursday • 4:30  PM – 6:00 PM
Maximum Participants: 8 Per Group
Number of groups offered: 1

Social Appropriateness Level 3

Summary: The focus is to build upon and generalize the skills acquired in Social Appropriateness Levels 1 and 2. We achieve this through a combination of:

  • Play and Recreational Activities
  • Engagement in Various Social Activities
  • Group-Based Activities and Play
  • Impulse Control
    Lessons on Social and Emotional
  • Intelligence Skills
  • Peer Modeling Practices based on RFT (Relational Frame Theory)

This comprehensive approach allows participants to further develop and apply their social appropriateness skills.

Schedule: Friday • 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Maximum Participants:
Number of groups offered: 1

Life Skills

Summary: This group focuses on developing executive functioning skills and building ADLS. As such, the development of these skills are practiced with essential life skills needed for home-based independence. These skills include:

  • Home-Based Safety
  • Cleaning
  • Cooking
  • Budgeting and Planning
  • Investing and Savings
  • First Aid
  • Tool Usage
  • Laundry
  • Various Other Household Tasks

Our program equips participants with the knowledge and abilities to navigate and manage these aspects of daily life effectively.

Schedule: Thursday • 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Maximum Participants:
Number of groups offered: 1

Executive Functioning

Summary: This group is dedicated to helping participants master a range of essential skills, including:

  • Impulse Control
  • Self-Management
  • Planning and Organization
  • Participation and Completion of Individual and Group Projects
  • Accountability
  • Engagement in Group and Individual Activities
  • Participation in a Variety Leisure Activities
  • Social Media Safety
  • Other Relevant Skills

We provide comprehensive support and guidance to ensure proficiency in these areas.

Schedule: Tuesday • 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Maximum Participants:
Number of groups offered: 1

Community Readiness

Summary: Our program is centered around equipping participants with essential life skills to confidently navigate the community. This includes:

  • Utilizing Public Transportation
  • Budgeting
  • Effective Communication with Community Members
  • Completing Simple Transactions
  • Applying Coping Skills in Community Settings
  • Fundraising
  • Engaging in Community Services
  • Participating in Community Activities
  • Appropriate Communication with Community Members
  • Community Safety

We provide comprehensive guidance to support participants in these areas, ensuring they are well-prepared for community involvement and independence.

Schedule: Friday • 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Maximum Participants: 4
Number of groups offered: 1

Young Adults

Summary: This group is designed to help participants prepare for life after high school, with a particular focus on the following essential skills:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Independent
  • Coping Skills
  • Apply AIM
  • Deciphering Non
  • Verbal Communication Cues
  • Effective Communication with Peers
  • Providing Appropriate Self-Information in a Community Context

This group is tailored for participants on a high school certificate track, rather than a diploma track, to ensure their readiness for the unique challenges they may encounter.

Schedule: Monday • 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Maximum Participants: 4 Per Group
Number of groups offered: 1

Social and Emotional Skills Refinement for Working Adults

Summary: All participants in these groups are required to receive 1:1 sessions. These individual sessions are essential to ensure that participants can develop these skills in a private setting. By doing so, it maximizes their time in the group sessions, where they can practice these skills with their peers.

This group is designed for working individuals who face challenges in making and keeping social connections. It offers support for developing and improving communication skills, understanding emotions and managing emotional responses.

During these sessions, we focus on several important aspects, including:

  • Non-Verbal Cues
  • Appropriate Entry, Exit, and Transition in Conversations
  • Handling Difficult Topics
  • Small Talk Development
  • Accepting Different Opinions
  • And Other Relevant Skills

Our aim is to provide comprehensive guidance in these areas to help individuals enhance our participants’ social interactions and relationships.

Schedule: Every other Wed 4:00- 5:30 PM
Maximum Participants:
Number of groups offered: 1

Quarterly Siblings Support Group

Summary: In addition to our self-paced Siblings Support Series training , we also provide in-person support for siblings of all ages. Our support group is open to the entire community (not limited to the families we serve), based on space availability and ongoing interest.

In these sessions, we cover various diagnoses and their impact on the participant and their family. We explore their emotions, self-perception, and relationships with their siblings. We teach coping skills using AIM (or the relevant method). Most importantly, we create a supportive environment to validate their feelings and emphasize their importance.

Schedule: TBD
Maximum Participants:
Number of groups offered: 1

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