ABA Sleep Program

Our ABA Sleep Program is for infants, children, teenagers and adults (with or without an diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder) who struggle to sleep a full night on a daily basis. The ABA Sleep Program is also for parents of children who engage in tantrums, and other maladaptive behaviors during bedtime routines, in the middle of the night or early morning.

Common Questions

Who is this for?

The ABA Sleep Program is for anyone struggling with sleep due to routines, unexplained sleep interruptions, insomnia, or other difficulties- regardless of diagnosis. Therefor, individuals who would benefit from this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Infants
  • Toddlets
  • Children
  • Teens
  • Parents
  • Adults

How does disruptive sleep impact individuals?

Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, increased stress, forgetfulness, difficulties with learning, and low motivation. It can also contribute to conditions like anxiety and depression. Sleep deprivation diminishes a person’s motivation to engage in social interactions and cope with challenging situations. It also hampers the ability to process and convert daily information into short- and long-term memory. For an individual with autism, this implies that no matter how effective their ABA programs are, they may find it challenging to grasp the content covered in their sessions and may not have the resilience needed to navigate social situations.

What is the ABA Sleep Program?

This program, rooted in applied behavior analysis (ABA), is designed to improve the sleep of individuals of all ages facing sleep-related challenges. Adopting a trauma-informed and compassionate methodology, it systematically enhances sleep quality. During the initial interview, the program identifies external factors and sleep-related dependencies affecting sleep throughout its various phases. Based on this information, recommendations are made to adapt the sleep environment, modify habits and routines, eliminate distractions, and foster a conducive atmosphere for rest. This comprehensive approach also targets and mitigates disruptive behaviors that contribute to sleep disturbances, both at the beginning and during sleep.

Central to the program is a collaborative, home-based strategy that emphasizes the integration of family values and priorities. This is particularly evident during the goal-setting phase and the development and execution of treatment plans. With guidance from a seasoned sleep expert, caregivers or individuals acquire the behavioral techniques required to tackle sleep issues. As they implement a tailored treatment plan, they receive continual support and feedback. This behavior-centric approach assesses and addresses emerging sleep concerns, nipping them in the bud. Moreover, daily consultations equip implementers with the skills to identify and adapt to new behavioral challenges, ensuring consistent effectiveness and integrity in the program’s delivery.

What is required?

The first step involves an interview with one of our sleep expert BCBAs. This interview helps identify the essential materials needed to set up effective and flexible sleep contingencies. It also highlights potential changes to the bedtime routine and environment to promote optimal sleep conditions. The caregiver, or the individual overseeing the plan’s implementation, must rigorously follow all five components daily, exactly as directed. They are also tasked with collecting daily data to track the individual’s sleep progress. Moreover, they should meet with the BCBA as needed to address new concerns and discuss suggested adjustments.

Both patience and consistency are crucial for the program’s success. These attributes significantly aid those facing sleep challenges by:

  • Establishing healthy sleep routines.
  • Adopting beneficial and appropriate sleep-related dependencies.
  • Cultivating the skill to fall asleep independently.
  • Ensuring sleep onset within 15 minutes of bedtime.
  • Sustaining uninterrupted sleep throughout the night.

How is our ABA Sleep Program Offered?

  • Directly participant via individual parent training or consultations
  • Directly to individual seeking only sleep via consultations
  • Course for professionals
  • Coaching and consultation for professionals
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